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Things to know The Energy revolution is here

When it comes to solar there are a lot of questions you will have and a lot of information out there to digest. We have put together some cool solar power facts to get you started. We are solar power geeks, and would love to answer any questions for you… get in touch with our experts to make things simple.

Not only is Australia the leading technical authority with regards to Solar innovation, it is also the No1 country in the world for harnessing solar power. As a continent we have the highest average solar radiation out of any other place on the planet giving Australians an abundance of free, clean energy.
Simple & Easy
There are no moving parts to a solar system, HD conduit is used to protect cabling and solar panels are self cleaning leaving very little to do. A properly installed system is nearly a set and forget solution. Should any maintenance be required just give us a call!
20% & Growing
Solar is now installed in 1 in 5 homes across the county, that’s 20% of homes harnessing the sun’s power and saving money every day. The uptake of solar power is currently unprecedented which is fantastic news for our economy and the health of our planet.
Government Incentives
Small Scale Technology Certificates and Large-Scale Generation Certificates (STC and LGC) are available to anyone willing to invest in solar panels making solar power even more economically viable. We will manage your STC trading on your behalf simplifying the process.
Going Solo
Installing solar can separate your reliance to the grid and allows escape from the rapidly increasing price of electricity. By adding battery storage the option of going ‘Off Grid’ and future proofing your home or business is very much a reality.
Value & Longevity
Solar power and battery storage for your home or business will immediately add value to its worth for the long run. Panels can come with 25+ year warranties truly under-pining the value of the building they are attached to.
Go Green
Solar power is a 100% clean energy source. Harnessing this energy dramatically reduces your homes carbon footprint diminishing your emissions to zero and creating far less pollution than burning fossil fuels for power. In Australia poor energy productivity is one of the major causes in rising emissions, in fact they continue to rise and have done since 2005. The fossil fuel industry is failing our future. By installing solar you will become part of the necessary shift to act on climate change and improve the life of our planet and species.
Save $1000’s
Typically it is 3-5 year ROI for residential solar installations, solar has never been so affordable and continues to drop in price and rise in quality. From the moment we switch everything on you are guaranteed to save $1000’s over the systems life-cycle. For commercial installations the ROI can be even more extreme with potential payback coming in at a 2-4 Year period. With power outgoings reduced considerably sometimes by up to 75% and along with government incentives, various tax benefits and available finance options, committing to a clean solar power system will be extremely beneficial to your organisation and reduce your company's carbon footprint.

Contact us We organise your government rebate and guarantee you’ll save money in the long-run. Get a hassle free quote today.

Solar doesn’t need to be complicated but its worth understanding what’s right for you. We can help you understand your homes potential, what to look for and what to look out for. Drop us a line and our experts will get in touch.